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Facts About Varicose Veins You Should Be Aware Of

· health,cardiac center

If you’ve ever visited a clinic for treating those blue red veins on the legs, chances are you already know what Varicose Veins means.

Many people ignore the appearance of these purplish veins on the legs. For those who do not know what these mean, you might be suffering from the problem of varicose veins. It is very important to visit a vein clinic in Queens and seek proper medical treatment. Varicose veins can result in the development of cardiovascular diseases as well. If not treated properly, these can be as lethal as causing death.

If you are somebody who is suffering from varicose veins, or you know somebody who is suffering from this disease, you have landed on the right page. Below we have curated some facts about varicose veins that you should be aware of.

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What is responsible for causing varicose veins?
Lack of proper oxygen supply in the body and irregular blood flow is the leading cause of varicose veins. Varicose veins affect the internal working of the body. The legs become weak with red, blue, and purple colored veins bulging out.

Changes in lifestyle can prevent varicose veins
By making certain changes in lifestyle, you can cure the appearance of varicose veins. The doctor will advise you to consume green leafy vegetables and a lot of fruit. Also, you must exercise regularly and drink lots of fluids for a healthy lifestyle.

There are a number of treatment options available
Varicose veins can be treated using different surgeries and methods. There are various options such as Radiofrequency Ablation and other remedies such as using compression stockings to cure varicose veins. Make sure you visit an experienced vein specialist for medical guidance.
In case you are somebody who is suffering from varicose veins, it is important to seek medical help by visiting Vein clinic in Queens. The doctor will conduct a full analysis of your condition and prescribe you the best treatment available.